Saturday, January 6, 2007

me vs. everyone

the show tonight was alright. we played decently with a few mess-ups, but im still happy with it. my hand hurts like hell, i tried not to move it too much but i had to initiate two more pirates and that did me no good. craig has gone from being extremely sweet, to just being bitter against me cause i don't give him the attention i give my diary. he's being a real sour puss. blam is in a better mood since the racism has calmed down, but he also punched street walker that looked like eddie sutton. i don't know what caused that. rich still thinks he comes from the black irish. sketo was wearing a evanescense shirt today, and was pretty happy to rock out to alanis morrisette in the van. he was head banging and scared gus. today gus finally admitted he is scared of me, and the damage i could physically do to him. i have been nominated "TOUR CAPTAIN" and i plan to make everyone kiss my diary before every show. if they choose not to do it, mean things will be written. i have single handlely saved gus' and katie's relationship. klint told me today that one of his secret guilty pleasures is trying to grab strangers asses and get their scent on his hands to smell. wierd, wierd, wierd. who needs sleep. not me. there are a few things i'd like to see. they are not on this coast.


alex p said...

more posts

Last Night's Show said...

and i will always thank you for that justin malone.